About Us

Our Lead Pastors

Nick & Nataliya

Nick and Nataliya Kucher are the lead pastors of our church, bringing a wealth of experience and dedication to their roles. Born in Ukraine, they pursued their theological education at a Bible college in Manitoba, Canada, before moving Edmonton. With a long history of service in ministry, Nick previously served as an assistant pastor, while Nataliya is actively involved in women’s ministry. Together, they are raising their four children and are deeply committed to fostering a vibrant, faith-filled community. Nick and Nataliya are dedicated to creating an inclusive environment where everyone can experience the transformative power of Christ’s love.

Our Vision

A church led by the Holy Spirit to become more like Jesus and to attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ!

Our Mission Statement

To Proclaim Christ’s Love, Forgiveness, and Acceptance

 To Equip and Inspire Christians for Ministry

To Create a Sacred Space for the Holy Spirit

To Teach Christ’s Provisions for Spiritual Growth

Our History

In the late 1940s, four families, under the leadership of Wm. Melnychuk, had the vision to establish a church for the Ukrainian-speaking community in Edmonton and the surrounding area. With God’s help, the Ukrainian Pentecostal Temple at 10521-97 St. was constructed and dedicated in 1949 to the glory of God, serving the community and Slavic people for many years.

In 2008, the congregation felt it was time to move to a new location, leading to the purchase of a beautiful building on the south side of Edmonton, where we are currently located: Mill Creek Christian Assembly — 8928-83 Ave., Edmonton, AB.

The church continues to honor its Ukrainian heritage while serving people in both English and Slavic languages. We hold English services every Sunday at 10:30 AM, and Ukrainian services are offered at 1:30 PM on the last Sunday of each month. No matter your nationality or beliefs, you are welcome to join us—we would love to have you attend!

What We Believe

We are affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

  1. The Bible to be the inspired and infallible Word of God.
  2. That there is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  3. In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, His vicarious, atoning death, bodily resurrection, and ascension.
  4. In salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.
  5. In baptism by immersion.
  6. In divine healing through the redemptive work of Christ on the cross.
  7. In the baptism with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.
  8. In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit which enables a believer to live a holy life.
  9. In the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Come and experience the warmth of our church community,

where you’ll find a place to belong and grow.